Benefits To Hosting A Beehive
The first benefit is free honey that is derived from your local flora. This makes it very special as honey can have a great variance in flavour depending on what is growing around you. By having such a strong connection to what you are consuming you will likely have a greater interest in your local ecosystem. Those with a greenthumb can enjoy a varied bouquet that translates their hard work in the soil to something truly their own on the plate.
Your hive will help those around you as well by pollinating flowers and vegetables grown throughout the area. You also help support Aussie beekeepers, putting more pure, natural honey on the market. This is important because it curbs the amount of “fake” honey being imported to make up for the loss of bee populations. These imports are full of synthetic fillers and result in profits being moved offshore.
Many people underestimate the impact bees have on their environment and hosting a hive can be a great educational tool. We always learn more with a hands-on approach and having a conduit to our environment on your property lets kids understand the importance of balance in nature. We have observed a trend of hosters developing a stronger connection with their natural environment once they have their own hives.
Lastly, you can directly support local businesses by hosting our hives. We mentioned the importation of synthetic honey earlier but it is worth mentioning again. Next time you are in a supermarket take some time to peruse the honey on offer. You may be shocked to discover just how many popular brands are not pure, natural honey. Synthetic honey is a symptom of our bee population struggling and supporting local beekeepers is the best form of cure.